www.gusucode.com > 24Beta 虚拟主机版 1.0.0 Beta源码程序 > 24Beta 虚拟主机版 1.0.0 Beta源码程序/24Beta-1.0.0-vhost/protected/extensions/CdcSwfUpload/resource/SWFUpload/Core Changelog.txt

     * SWFUpload Core, January 2009, www.swfupload.org, swfupload.googlecode.com

 * --------- Version
 * - Removed requeueUpload due to bugs/poor testing
 * = Fixed namespace conflict that broke stopUpload
 * --------- Version 2.2.0-----------
 * + Added button_placeholder setting that accepts a DOM element.
 * + Added ability to requeue any file (including some improvement to internal queue state tracking)
 * + UploadErrors caused by a missing upload_url now causes the file to be requeued automatically
 * + Added preserve_relative_urls setting
 * + SWFUpload now converts relative URLs to absolute URLs to avoid issues with Flash Player interpreting it differently on some clients
 * + Added assume_success_timeout setting which allows uploadSuccess to be called after a timeout if, for some reason Flash ignores the server's response
 *   An additional parameter has been added to the uploadSuccess event to indicate whether a response was received or success was assumed.
 * --------- Version 2.2.0 Beta 2 ~ 5-----------
 * = Fixed a Queue Limit bug
 * + Improved internal event handling code so uploadSuccess fires even when not content is returned from the server (*woot*, except for Macs)
 * = Fixed issues in Destroy
 * = Fixed issues with Queue Plugin
 * + Added periodic checks of the ExternalInterface
 * + Improved IE memory leak prevention code
 * + Added Speed Plugin
 * = Updated Queue Plugin for better multi-plugin compatibility

 * --------- Version 2.2.0 Beta 1-----------
 * + Added Flash Player 10 Support
 *   = Added setting for defining a button image
 *   = Added setting for defining button text
 *   = Added setting for defining button width, height and padding
 *   = Added setting for defining what element the Flash Movie should replace
 *   = Added setting for defining flash wmode
 *   = Added setting for defining the mouse cursor
 * + Added prevent_swf_caching setting as a work-around for issues in Avant Browser (and other IE based browser)
 * + Added setting for accepting HTTP Status codes other than 200 as successful
 * + Added parameter to cancelUpload that allows the uploadError event for cancelled uploads to be supressed
 * + Added pro-active memory leak fix for IE and fixed problems with the destroy function (credits to steffen for patches and testing)
 * + Replaced callFlash with CallFunction (using the internal function that Flash uses). Based on code from MooTools.
 * = Fixed bug in the Queue plugin that breaks startUpload when passing a file id.
 * + Updated Queue plugin to stop the queue if false is returned from the uploadStart handler.
 * = Fixed small issues in SWFObject plugin
 * = Fixed issue with ExternalInterface string escaping
 * - Dropped Graceful Degradation Plugin
 * - Dropped v1.0.2 Plugin
 * - Dropped Flash Player 8 support

 * --------- Version 2.1.0 -----------
 * = Fixed GET values so they are escaped properly
 * + Added destroy function
 * = Added exception handling around browse() calls
 * = Minor code cleanup
 * + Split Core and Demos
 * --------- Version 2.1.0 Beta 2-----------
 * = Fixed bug in XHTML fix where it wasn't split correctly by Flash
 * = Fixed file params "undefined" in debug output
 * + Added requeue_on_error settings so HTTP/IO/Security errors requeue the file instead of discarding it.
       This will affect the queue plugin (if an error is occurring the file will be reuploaded and reuploaded).
 * = Fixed HTTP/IO error behavior.  We'll see how this goes Flash 9 is supposed to call HTTPError followed by an IO error but I suspect they come out of orde sometimes.
 * = Fixed invalid characters in file param names.  Worked around flash bug by escaping the names. Should be transparent to devs.
 * = Fixed missing upload URL logic so it fires consistently
 * = Fixed file params not being sent when useQueryString is true
 * + Added SWFObject plugin and demo.
 * + Added CookieBug demo to demonstrate what they bug really is all about.
 * + Added VB.Net version of the Application Demo
 * --------- Version 2.1.0 Beta 1-----------
 * + Added allowScriptAccess="always" to the embed/object elements so the SWF can be served from different domains.
 * = Fixed a type-o in the debug output that prevented the instance id (movieName) from displaying. - Thx Joel
 * + Rewrote SWFUpload.js for better code reuse based on sample code from batiste.bieler (thanks!!!)
 * + Added queueComplete event to the Queue Plugin
 * + Added Simple Upload demo
 * = JSLinted all the JavaScript code
 * + Added use_query_string setting (and setUseQueryString function) that forces post_param and file_param values to be sent on the query_string instead of the post (for Flash 9 version)
 * = Fixed file.type and date properties so a default value is provided (rather than null) when no value is provided by flash.
 * = Fixed misc bugs in the demos
 * = Fixed ExternalInterface calls being made available for Flash 9 versions <9.0.28 which aren't supported
 * + Fixed use of & producing invalid XHTML in the <object> and <embed> tags.
 * - Removed the use of the embed tag (using the <object> sample from the Flash Satay method)
 * = Updated plugins to work with code rewrite changes.
 * = Extracted FileProgress object in to its own file.
 * + Added addPostParam and removePostParam functions

 * --------- Version 2.0.2 -----------
 * = Fixed a bug where post params could not be added to the current file (because it is removed from the queue when it becomes current)
 * = Fixed a conversion error when converting kilobytes to bytes in the file size check
 * = Fixed a problem in the documentation that said the file_size_limit was bytes when it is actually kilobytes
 * + Added formatting to the documentation, a table of contents, and details for each setting .
 * + Added units for file_size_limit setting. The setting understands B, KB, MB, GB. Default is KB.
 * + Added a check for the ExternalInterface functions in flashReady so SWFUpload will not fire the loaded event if those are not available.
 * --------- Version 2.0.1 -----------
 * = Fixed a bug where zero-byte files would stop file the queuing process.
 * = Finished updating Features Demo
 * + Added GetFileByIndex(i) that gets a JavaScript File Object.  The index never changes. Finished files continue to be available.
 *    The JavaScript GetFile function will accept a file_id or an index.
 * + Added CheckFileSize constants to replace the magic numbers
 * + Added some code in an attempt to fix "Script is running slowly" error messages
 * = Better cleanup of FileReference objects
 * --------- Version 2.0 -----------
 * + Re-created SWFUpload in Actionscript v2 for Flash 8 compatibility. Flash 8 loses POST and Server Data features.  The two versions are otherwise fully compatible.
 *    Flash 8 uses URL to pass post_params/file_params.
 * = Changed uploadStart event so it's part of the setTimeout/eventQueue workaround. This allows Flash functions to be called from uploadStart.
 * = Renamed uploadComplete to uploadSuccess and fileComplete to uploadComplete.  All started uploads call uploadComplete (even if cancelled or stopped).
 * = Changed startUpload validation failure behavior. Rather than cancelling the upload the file is now requeued. Devs can cancel
 *    or do whatever the need to in uploadError to handle the problem.
 * = Fixed fileQueueLimit/fileUploadLimit logic so it works correctly.
 * = Moved the upload request building to a later point so that the post params and file params can be updated in uploadStart.
 * - Removed the last of the UI stuff (ui_container, degraded_container).
 * + Started development on Plug-ins. Graceful Degradation, v1.0.2, Cookies, Queue Handling
 * = Fixed missing file_status field in FileItem.
 * + Added modificationDate to FileItem (file object)
 * + Added setStats function that lets you change the file upload count, etc.  This will give more power over the queue limits. Not well tested.
 * = Renamed compeleted_uploads to successful_uploads in getStats object
 * + Added in_progress to getStats object

 * --------- Revision 7.0 beta 3 -----------
 * + Added an "event queue".  Events are added to an array and executeEvent is called on a setTimeout. This prevents out of order issues that occur
 *    in the Safari browser.
 * + Added a check for the UPLOAD_COMPLETE_DATA event constant which only became available in Flash Player 9.0.28.  This 
 *    fixes the Flash Version detection (Flash Object Detection) which was accepting Flash Player 9 versions before 9.0.28.
 * - Removed old code block that was missed when moving from a Flash Timer to the JavaScript timeout (caused certain cancel events to be called twice)
 * = Change ShowUI to the swfUploadLoaded event which will hopefully make it more clear that this is an overrideable event
 * = Changed flashReady to behave like the other events (uses setTimeout and the Event Queue).
 * --------- Revision 7.0 beta 2 -----------
 * + Grouped the error code constants in objects for queue errors and upload errors.
 * + Added an UPLOAD_STOPPED error code.
 * = Changed Event calling method (using Timer) in Flash.  Timer is no longer called
 *    instead setTimeout is called in JavaScript.  This includes a change to the
 *    JavaSCript design so the Event methods are not directly overridden but stored
 *    internally and called if defined (with a setTimeout).  This is an effort
 *    be more compatible with the current Flash Player on Linux
 * = Changed the parameter order for the fileQueueError and uploadError events so the fileObj is first, like other events.
 * + Added an empty JavaScript object (customSettings) where users can store settings associated with the instance.
 * + Worked around an escaping bug in the ExternalInterface library by escaping all backslashes in out-going strings.
 * = Updated all the demos.
 * --------- Revision 7.0 beta 1 -----------
 * = Redesigned the Event Chain
 * - Removed much of the queue concepts
 * - Removed the fileValidation events. This can be done in the new uploadStart event
 * - Removed beginUploadOnQueue feature. This can be done in the new dialogComplete event.
 * - Removed use_server_data. This is now always on.
 * + Added functions for retrieving queue stats (number of files uploaded, queued, errors, etc)
 * + Added a file status property to the FileObject. This indicates, uploaded, error, waiting.
 * + Added a single file browser (user cannot select multiple files)
 * + Fixed bug (hopefully) caused if Flash call to JavaScript and in the callback JavaSCript calls to Flash
 *    This only place this does not apply is to uploadStart.  If you call in to Flash from uploadStart use a setTimeout to do it.

 * --------- Revision 6.2 -----------
 * + Added API calls for changing all the changeable settings dynamically
 * = Fixed a bug in FileComplete event handler (in the SWF) that caused an error in Debug Players
 *     and prevent the event from being called
 * + Added a setting (use_server_data_event) to indicate whether FileComplete or ServerData should be called.
 *     The SWFUpload architecture requires that only one file upload success event can be called.
 * = Updated all the Demos, especially the Features Demo and the Forms Demo

 * --------- Revision 6 -----------
 * - Removed the call to setUploadSettings in flashReady.  This was a left over call that is unnecessary.
 * + Finished the parsing of post params during the init stage. This ommision was hidden by the call to setUploadSettings.
 * - Removed the flash_target_id setting.  The Flash file should only ever be added to the body tag.
 * + Fixed (hopefully for good) another SWF race condition.  IE executes the SWF very very early.  The this.movieElement value should never be referenced.
 *     The movie Element should always be retrieved using this.getMovieElement().
 * --------- Revision 6 -----------
 * + Ported to ActionScript 3.  Revision 6 requires Flash Player 9.
 * = Fixed bug caused when cancelling single files. Would break any function that searched for a file_id.
 * - Removed the automatic cookie sending setting. Devs should just pass the value they want to send in the post_params
 * - Removed the query params settings (global and file specific).  All params should be sent in the post_params
 * + Added post_params which adds post values to the file upload post.
 * + Added validate_files setting flag which causes the fileValidation event to be called before each file is uploaded.
 * + Added fileValidation event. Return false if validation fails and true if validation is successful.
 * + Added server_data parameter to the fileComplete event which returns any text that the upload script returns.
 * = Updated all demos to work with Revision 6
 * + Added in-code file extension validation.  Before a file is queued the extension is checked against the valid extensions.
 *     Files the have invalid extensions cause the error event to be raised.
 * + Added 'file_post_name' setting that allows the post variable name containing the file data to be named something other than 'Filedata'
 * = Fixed a race condition in loadFlash where a cached flash movie would execute before this.movieElement could be assigned and loading would fail.

 * --------- Revision 5.2 -----------
 * = A little more code cleaning and variable renaming
 * + Changed from an array queue to a FIFO queue. This eliminates the "current_index" and
 *    should reduce some memory usage.
 * + Added out of order file uploading.  Call StartUpload(/file_id/).
 * + Added custom query_string parameters in addition to the cookies
 * + Added the ability to modify the URL, cookies, params and send to flash
 * + Added per file query_string params
 * + Added files queued limit.  Sometimes you may want the user to only queue one file at a time (or something)
 * + Fixed limits so a zero(0) value means unlimited.
 * --------- Revision 5 -------------
 * = More code cleaning.  Ported SWF to FlashDevelop. (Since my Flash Studio trial expired)
 *    The port to FlashDevelop is a big deal.  It significantly changes the code structure
 *    and could introduce bugs.  Also there have been reported issues with the FlashDevelop
 *    version from swfupload.mammon.se: Doesn't start when reloading in IE.  Doesn't start
 *    in Firefox if the SWF file is visible because of a page scroll.
 *    + I fixed the Firefox issue by removing the wmode attribute from the embed object.
 *    + I cannot reproduce the IE issue on my local machine (although I can reproduce it at swfupload.mammon.se)
 * + Event Handlers are now attached to the SWFUpload javascript object.  The SWF file
 *    now calls the handlers in the context of the SWFUpload object which means the "this"
 *    object inside the handler refers to the proper SWFUpload instance.
 * + Tested and Fixed upload target cookie attachment
 * = Cleaned up / renamed everything for clarity and consistancy
 * + File queuing is now subject to the upload limit.  If the user attempts to queue more files
 *    than allowed an error is returned and the files are not queued.
 * + Fixed misc bugs and text encodings.
 * + Added more debug info for the SWF file.
 * + SWF file now obeys the debug setting.
 * + Added SetUploadTargetURL function that allows you to "dynamically" change the upload target
 * + Added error code for zero byte file uploads which always return an IO error. The files are now rejected
 *    instead of being uploaded.
 * --------- Revision 4 -------------
 * = Cleaned up code.  Added comments. Reorganized. Added more try..catches. Removed old unused methods.
 * - Removed the 'create_ui' setting.  The UI is now completely up to the developer.
 * + Added upload_backend_cookies setting. Can set a string, or array of cookie names. These values will be
 *    passed as part of the upload_backend url
 * = Changed QueueComplete event to only fire if at least one file has been successfully uploaded.
 * + Added "Stop Upload" feature.
 * = Revised the FLA file to clean things up, better handle errors, etc.
 * = Fixed a bug where cancelling the first upload would cause the remaining uploads to fire before calling
 *    "startUpload". This change is in the FLA.
 * + Fixed a bug in the upload.swf that prevented further file processing after an error is returned.
 * + Added uploadLimit variable.  Only complete uploads are counted. Once the limit is reached the flash
 *      movie will not upload any more files. (The ability to select or queue many files is not affected
 *      by the upload limit)
 * + Added cancelQueue and cancelUpload methods.
 * + Added ID property to the FileObj in the upload.swf
 * + Added Upload and Queue settings
 * + Added methods for generating the flash HTML and inserting it into the DOM.
 * - Removed SWFObject
 * + Updated the upload.swf and added the "flashReady" event.  This will only call back
 *        for Flash 8 and above.  With this we don't need a flash version detect script.
 *        The script initializes the Flash then waits for the Callback to init the UI.
 * + Added seperate ui_target, degraded_target, create_ui settings. This allows fine control
 *      over what parts of the GUI the script displays and hides
 * + Changed from a Static Class to an Instance (changed code/class structure)
 * + Added "flash_version" setting.  When set to zero the version check is skipped
 * + Added Debug Console.  The Instance class can't do document.write.
 * = De-obfuscated SWFObject a bit
 * - Removed standalone mode.
 * + Added "ui_target" setting. When non-blank the link is added.
 * + Added "flash_target" setting.  When blank the flash is appended to the <body> tag
 *        = This fixes ASP.Net not allowing the flash to be added to the Form
 * + Added error checking to the callSWF method

 * -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
 * SWFUpload 0.7: Flash upload dialog - http://profandesign.se/swfupload/
 * SWFUpload is (c) 2006 Lars Huring, Olov Nilz閚 and Mammon Media and is released under the MIT License:
 * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
 * -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------

 * SWFUpload 0.7: Flash upload dialog - http://profandesign.se/swfupload/
 * 0.5 - First release
 * 0.6 - 2006-11-24
 * - Got rid of flash overlay
 * - SWF size reduced to 840b
 * - CSS-only styling of button
 * - Add upload to links etc.
 * 0.7 - 2006-11-27
 * - Added filesize param and check in SWF
 * 0.7.1 - 2006-12-01
 * - Added link_mode param for standalone links
 * if set to "standalone", createElement("a") won't run.
 * - Added link_text param if css isn't needed.
 * - Renamed cssClass to css_class for consistency